This Thursday May 8, was a local holiday, the liberation day for the end of World War II. Liberation day used to be the 9th of May, but perspectives change. It also led me out into the Prague suburbs as the latest, and last […]
Author: jaxroam
The evolution of language
There have been many language threads and digressions; I should know, I have participated in most of them. Maybe it’s time to start talking about talking: What is language, where did it come from and for what reason? How do languages compete, cooperate, co-opt […]
More science, religion, ethics, and peer reviews
It seems to be science week at the Debates & Discussions forum, and of course I couldn’t resist butting in, be it peer-reviewed sinful science, or the study of armageddon.
A Prague Opera
And so it begins… On the circuitous route from the outskirts of Europe to the centre, going from Oslo through Linköping and Wrocław, Opera has finally reached Prague. … December 12 was the day we were connected to the Internet, January 2 the first […]
The Year in Browsing: The Little Engine That Could
By the end of last year one long-standing competitor to Opera ceased to develop its browsing engine. No, I am not thinking of Netscape, that browser was dead when it was bought by AOL, but an old Opera favourite, iCab. From now on iCab […]
Film list
Films I got. …
92% Complete (3 days until Party begins; 5 days until Party ends)
This is my week off for the upcoming party, and it is really getting there. As am I, of course.
2nd Annual Street Conversion Design Contest
I wonder how cities will change in the 21st century, and believe that it will generally be for the better. That is a good thing given that most people will be city dwellers. One problem which I expect to be solved is traffic as […]
Cruelly Slow Slog
The CSS 2.1 specification was recently refused entry into the (almost) safe harbour of Candidate Recommendation (CR) status again (for what is it? the fourth time?). This means that the spec is still in a you-can’t-believe-a-word-of-this Working Draft state, just like it was seven […]