SVG Animation (based on SMIL) and CSS Animation offer some similar features for animating Web content. Harmonising these two technologies has been considered on a number of occasions but a path forward has yet to be established. In response to a feature-by-feature comparison of […]
Author: jaxroam
The day I lost my trust in Gmail…
…was the day (today) when I got the message on yellow background that “your draft has been discarded”. Exactly what led to this event I don’t know, Gmail didn’t tell, was it a keypress in the wrong area of the screen, or a connectivity […]
What is wrong with CSS
A blog entry titled “what is right with CSS” would be far longer, CSS may remain my favourite W3C specs, but on retrospect there are a number of things that haven’t worked out and should have.
Surely the third round of the ninth circle of hell would be filled up with the designers and programmers of Chinese Internet banking sites.
CSS 2.1 Solid Soon?
XKCD recently published the future and found through a good number of Google searches that finishing up HTML5 would herald the demise of newspapers and the Third Coming of Christ. Coincidentally the W3C declared that finally CSS 2.1 had reached Proposed Recommendation status, and […]
Map to the future
Wikipedia has a nice and extremely useful map of the Beijing metro system with upcoming extensions. As the Beijing metro system is expanding extremely rapidly the future is almost now. Like most Wikipedia maps of this type it is made in SVG (using Adobe […]
Open Urban Planning
Urban planning and city architecture has traditionally been a closed process between the client and the planner, possibly with a public hearing (too) late in the process. We are now at a stage technically, and sometimes socially, that this process could be organised differently. […]
Opera ’10 and ’11: Named tab stacks
Many of the developments in the 10 and 11 versions of Opera are important, but personally my key word for these upgrade would be “disappointment”. There is one feature/bug fix which would make a huge difference in my browser use, not when things works […]
"How unique – and trackable – is your browser?" To let a web site adapt the content to fit your needs a browser will make a number of configuration details available, what operating system you use (this shouldn't really matter, but that is a […]
Third second
Today at 十/十/十 十:十:十 in your zone is the third last factino second this century.