Slogan Ready

So the Bluetooth Special Interest Group goes for the “Smart” moniker to market multi-technology Bluetooth 4.0. Fine, as it were, though it reminds me of the e-moniker during the Internet bubble and the rest. It is common for consumer devices these days to get […]

HTML Video: Transcription

Reply to How to include extended transcripts with video This is not written from WAI perspective, but also from the perspective of making video/audio WAI usable. Before jumping into syntax at the end I would like to consider the requirements for captions and transcriptions. […]

CSS 2.1 Solid Soon?

XKCD recently published the future and found through a good number of Google searches that finishing up HTML5 would herald the demise of newspapers and the Third Coming of Christ. Coincidentally the W3C declared that finally CSS 2.1 had reached Proposed Recommendation status, and […]