HTML withdrawal

Yesterday I finally left the HTML working group. While it was a recent discussion that made me ask myself what was the point in staying, I have grown more disenchanted over the years. Unlike some I don’t agree that XHTML 2.0 is an unmitigated […]

Gadget disk

Saw that Virgin had made an iPod competitor, and the low weight was welcome. But the reason I have never considered an iPod applies to this thing too. I don’t care about PC synchronisation, I care about phone synchronization. A 5GB external harddisk/MP3 player […]

Through Hermans

Just another case of being railroaded to places you really wouldn’t want to go to. The route Malaga-Cadiz leaves you stranded in the Dos Hermanas junction, though hopefully not for too long. Shuttling Malaga-Sevilla, Sevilla-Cadiz would still make more tourist sense.

It’s Prague Gypsy week

Or to be far more accurate, World Roma Festival. This is the same week Lidové Noviny had a notice that the recently published book Psychologie Romů (The Roma psychology), which among other things claims that Roma have smaller brains than non-Roma, is under police […]


Jeg har gleden av å invitere til det første årlige bokbål i Oslo førstkommende lørdag 29. mai. Selv om bokbål har røtter helt tilbake til bokbålet i Alexandria og enda tidligere, har denne ærverdige tradisjonen ligget brakk de siste årene. Det er de som […]

Circus Českomoravska

The venue for all this hokej was the recently built Sazka Arena in Vysočany, naturally the target for the daily pilgrimage. I had an additional reason for a visit. After the revolution but before the normalization I used to live there. In fact it […]