Small scale wars

I came across a blog claiming that we’re at war, based on Eskil having a good partisan gloat on a negative review of the Konqueror-based Nokia browser (“A special circle of Hell needs to be created…”). The blog entry is somewhat unfair as it […]

inside the shutter

This image, the phone blogging equivalent of a lens cap snap, was posted with Opera Mini 3, released today. I decided to go through the regular process, entering my phone number (which I never remember, but fortunately my phone remembers it for me), guessing […]

Revolutions past

17 years ago, in a Friday November 17 far far away, the seminal event for the soon-to-become Velvet Revolution happened. The event itself, a sanctioned student demonstration ostensibly celebrating a martyr against the Nazi invasion 50 years earlier, mattered less than its aftermath: a […]

Mind the Gap

IE7 is now done and out. It is of course tempting to be glib and say “too little, too late”. While undeniably true, this upgrade matters. In part because there is an upgrade, giving hope of more to come, but also because many of […]

More W3C

David Baron, of the Mozilla organisation, has a well-written entry starting with SVG 1.2 and continuing on how the W3C works, arguing that “We should work on, and implement, the standards that we think are appropriate for Web browsers, and ignore the rest. We […]


Prague is uncomfortably hot in July and August, making its inhabitants looking for a way out in those months. I had finished a trip to Silesia in the northeastern part of the country ending up in in the castle at Hradec nad Moravicí.