From Opera to opera

During the last few months I have gotten myself another permanent residence (especially after they got WiFi), a Chinese restaurant here in Prague. I spend more waking hours there than I do at home.

Eating, drinking, socialising, and being on the Internet has occupied large parts of my life anyway, but I enjoy organising as well. Today the first major event I’ve helped with, a night at the Opera, will be live this night. For Opera employees in Oslo this may be familiar, the Underwater pub nearby the Opera HQ has opera nights Tuesdays and Thursdays, and have had it for years, and it is a favourite Opera hangout.

Still, the Chinese-Czech musical connection is fascinating and appealing, we’ll see how it works out tonight. See you there?

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  1. i don’t know qho scripted the underwater page, but i am able to rotate my screen (i personally like this kind of config) and at the bottom the backgroundimage is seen twice

  2. A bigger problem, if any, for the Underwater pub is that I don’t know who maintains those pages. I don’t think they have been maintained for a long time. People still know where to go, which should be the most important thing.


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